Uses of Interface

Packages that use ConfigurableDataSource
Provides anomaly data generators used for demos and testing implementations.
Provides a multiclass data generator used for testing implementations, along with several synthetic data generators for 2d binary classification problems to be used in demos or tutorials.
Provides clustering data generators used for demos and testing implementations.
Provides classes for loading in data from disk, processing it into examples, and splitting datasets for things like cross-validation and train-test splits.
Provides classes for processing columnar data and generating Examples.
Provides classes which can load columnar data (using a RowProcessor) from a CSV (or other character delimited format) file.
Provides classes which can load columnar data (using a RowProcessor) from a SQL source.
Provides interfaces for converting text inputs into Features and Examples.
Provides implementations of text data processors.
Simple data sources for ingesting or aggregating data.
Provides interop with JSON formatted data, along with tools for interacting with JSON provenance objects.
Provides a multi-label data generator for testing implementations and a configurable data source suitable for demos and tests.
Provides some example regression data generators for testing implementations.