Class ProtoUtil


public final class ProtoUtil extends Object
Utilities for working with Tribuo protobufs.
  • Method Details

    • deserialize

      public static <SERIALIZED extends, PROTO_SERIALIZABLE extends ProtoSerializable<SERIALIZED>> PROTO_SERIALIZABLE deserialize(SERIALIZED serialized)
      Instantiates the class from the supplied protobuf fields.

      Deserialization proceeds as follows:

      • Check to see if there is a valid redirect for this version and class name tuple. If there is then the new class name is used for the following steps.
      • Lookup the class name and instantiate the Class object.
      • Find the 3 arg static method deserializeFromProto(int version, String className, message).
      • Call the method passing along the original three arguments (note this uses the original class name even if a redirect has been applied).
      • Return the freshly constructed object, or rethrow any runtime exceptions.

      Throws IllegalStateException if:

      • the requested class could not be found on the classpath/modulepath
      • the requested class does not have the necessary 3 arg constructor
      • the deserialization method could not be invoked due to its accessibility, or is in some other way invalid
      • the deserialization method threw an exception
      Type Parameters:
      SERIALIZED - The protobuf type.
      PROTO_SERIALIZABLE - The deserialized type.
      serialized - The protobuf to deserialize.
      The deserialized object.
    • serialize

      public static <SERIALIZED_CLASS extends, SERIALIZED_DATA extends, PROTO_SERIALIZABLE extends ProtoSerializable<SERIALIZED_CLASS>> SERIALIZED_CLASS serialize(PROTO_SERIALIZABLE protoSerializable)
      Serializes a ProtoSerializable class which has the appropriate ProtoSerializableClass annotations.
      Type Parameters:
      SERIALIZED_CLASS - The protobuf class.
      SERIALIZED_DATA - The serialized data class inside the protobuf.
      PROTO_SERIALIZABLE - The class of the proto serializable object.
      protoSerializable - The object to serialize.
      The protobuf representation of the input object.
    • getCurrentVersion

      public static int getCurrentVersion(Class<? extends ProtoSerializable<?>> clazz)
      If this class is annotated with ProtoSerializableClass returns the version number, otherwise returns -1.
      clazz - The class to check.
      The version number, or -1 if it does not use the annotation.
    • generateMethodName

      public static String generateMethodName(String prefix, String name)
      Generate the method name for the type from the protobuf.
      prefix - The prefix, usually "addAll", "set", "put" etc.
      name - The field name.
      The method name.